London centre for PsychotherapyShadow on the wooden floor

LCP Referrals Clinic

Providing adult psychoanalytic psychotherapy

Further information

What is psychoanalytic psychotherapy?

Many people experience emotional difficulties at some time in their lives. These are often resolved without professional help. Sometimes, however, such difficulties may be persistent due to their deep-seated nature and their origins in early experience. Some of these formative experiences you may be aware of, while others may be more hidden from consciousness.

There are many kinds of psychotherapy. Psychoanalytic psychotherapy addresses the unconscious as well as conscious roots of difficult feelings, behaviour and relationships. LCP psychotherapists undertake a long and intensive training to help people recognise and express feelings, thoughts and anxieties that were previously inaccessible. Over time, in a confidential setting and in a secure relationship with a therapist, you will come to a clearer sense of how difficulties in your past may continue to influence your life.

This kind of psychotherapy does not provide quick solutions. The process takes time. Seeing your therapist on a regular basis can help you to feel supported in this process, which can enable you to manage your life more creatively and to work towards deep-seated and enduring change.

When is psychoanalytic psychotherapy helpful?

It can be helpful for

  • difficulties in making and sustaining satisfactory relationships
  • sexual problems
  • confusions about identity
  • feelings of emptiness, loneliness and meaninglessness
  • anxiety, panic attacks and stress
  • depression and feelings of chronic anger
  • difficulties associated with loss, bereavement or trauma
  • problems with education and career attainments
  • addictions, self-harm, eating disorders
  • difficulties as a result of violence and abuse
  • problems with physical symptoms for which there is no medical explanation, but which may be an expression of emotional pain

Finding a psychotherapist through the LCP

To consider whether psychoanalytical psychotherapy might suit you, the first step is to have a consultation with an experienced psychotherapist. You can contact the LCP Clinic yourself to find someone in your area. You can telephone the LCP Clinic Administrator on to ask for an application form.

The application form gives you an opportunity to tell us something about yourself and your current concerns. This information is treated in confidence.  About a fortnight after you return the form, the Clinic will usually send you contact details of a psychotherapist who you can arrange to meet at their consulting room or at the LCP for an initial consultation.

Initial consultation

At the initial consultation, you will have the opportunity to talk about the problems you are facing, and the therapist will discuss with you what would be the best form of help. You can ask any questions you have about the process and the practicalities of being in therapy. It is possible that group, family or couple therapy may be more suited to your needs. You will be able to discuss this and the other alternative treatments available elsewhere.

Normally, the initial consultation takes one, or occasionally, two sessions, each lasting fifty minutes, in order for the psychotherapist to help you decide what is the best course of action. A fee of £60 is charged for each consultation.

If psychoanalytic psychotherapy is agreed to be the best option, the Clinic will refer you to a suitable psychotherapist if possible within easy travelling distance of your home or work.

Ongoing psychotherapy

Psychotherapy sessions normally take place between once and three times a week and are scheduled at the same times each week. Each session lasts fifty minutes.

Occasionally the treatment might be of short duration but generally speaking psychoanalytic psychotherapy is best considered as a long-term treatment involving considerable time and commitment for both the therapist and the patient.

Standard fees for individual psychotherapy range from around £30 to £60 per session. Some psychotherapists work according to a sliding scale of fees.

The reduced-fee scheme

Those wishing to be considered for a reduced fee are, like other applicants for therapy, asked to fill in a questionnaire.  If it seems that they may be eligible for a fee reduction (and you may enquire about this when you initially apply) a charge of £25 is made for the initial consultation.  The Clinic will, if possible, refer the applicant to a qualified LCP psychotherapist with a reduced-fee vacancy.

LCP psychotherapists

There are LCP-qualified therapists in many parts of the UK including Inner and Greater London, Avon, Bedfordshire, Berkshire, Bucks, Cornwall, Cumbria, Devon, Essex, Gloucestershire, Hampshire, Hertfordshire, Kent, Lothian, Middlesex, Norfolk, Northumberland, Oxfordshire, Shropshire, Somerset, Surrey, Sussex, Warwickshire, Wiltshire and Eire.

All LCP therapists are registered with the British Psychoanalytic Council who promote the maintenance of appropriate standards in the professional training and conduct of psychoanalytic psychotherapists.

LCP clinic in Sussex


The LCP clinic in Sussex is an offshoot of the main LCP clinic, and provides a local psychotherapy service for as broad a range of individuals as possible throughout the county.  Referrals come through GPs, health centres, counselling organisatins, colleagues, former patients and the internet.  Individuals also refer themselves.

How to apply for therapy

To consider whether psychoanalytical psychotherapy might suit you, the first step is to have a consultation with an experienced psychotherapist. Telephone the local LCP Clinic Administrator on to ask for an application form.

The application form gives you an opportunity to tell us something about yourself and your current concerns. This information is treated in confidence.  The Clinic will send you contact details of a psychotherapist you can arrange to meet at their consulting room for an initial consultation.

The clinic offers between one and three consultations to talk about the problems you face and help you decide how to move forward. You will have an opportunity to ask any questions you have about the process and the practicalities of being in therapy and you will be advised about the most suitable form of help.

If psychoanalytic psychotherapy is agreed to be the best option, the Clinic will refer you to a suitable psychotherapist, if possible within easy travelling distance of your home or work.


  • Initial Consultations
    The initial consultation will last up to 1½ hours with a fee of £60.  Subsequent consultations will last 50 minutes, the fee to be negotiated with the Consultant.
  • Ongoing psychotherapy
    Sessions last 50 minutes with a fee between £30-£60+.
  • The Reduced-Fee Scheme
    Those wishing to be considered for a reduced fee are, like other applicants for therapy, asked to fill in a questionnaire. If it seems that they may be eligible for a fee reduction (and you may enquire about this when you initially apply) a charge of £25 is made for the initial consultation. The Clinic will, if possible, refer the applicant to a qualified LCP Psychotherapist with a reduced-fee vacancy.

Further information

To discuss any matters about finding a psychotherapist at the LCP, please phone the Clinic Administrator, between the following hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 1.00 pm - 4.00pm or email

Monday, Wednesday, Friday
1.00pm - 4.00pm

32 Leighton Road
Kentish Town
London NW5 2QE
The LCP is a member institution of the British
Psychoanalytic Council (BPC) and a registered
charity (No. ).
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