The aim of the course
The aim of the LCP Infant Observation Course is to develop an understanding of human development and interaction through observing an infant in the setting of their home.
The student visits the child and their family for an hour each week from birth for two years. They observe everything that takes place in that hour - the apparent feelings and behaviour of the baby, the interaction between the baby and their mother and/or father, their own feelings and reflections as an observer. Detailed notes are recorded as soon as possible after each visit.
The framework of the course
The framework of the course is psychoanalytic. A seminar group with up to five members meets weekly, initially to discuss finding a suitable family to observe, then to discuss the actual observations, including the conscious and unconscious meaning for participants of the events recorded. The seminar is led by a psychotherapist experienced in the field of infant observation.
Who is the course for?
This course is a required module of the LCP Qualifying Course in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy.
It is also of relevance to anyone working with infants and older children and their families, whether teachers, social workers, nurses, or those in counselling or psychotherapy. It is also of value and interest to anyone wishing to understand the roots of conscious and unconscious life in early infant experience.
The LCP encourages applications from psychotherapists who have done an infant observation in the past and would like to repeat the experience, possibly with a toddler.
Work required
To successfully complete the course, all students write a paper of 5,000-8,000 words detailing the important aspects of their experience over the two years and setting it in a theoretical context.